Our clinicians have collated a support directory aimed at parents and people affected by autism. Our resource list contains other organisations and groups related to ASD, ADHD, or similar conditions. Don't hesitate to contact a team member, or review our knowledge hub, if you have further questions.
The NHS website provides information on what autism is, coming to terms with the diagnosis, where to get help and support, information for school-aged children and young people, support for transitioning into adulthood, and recommended further reading.
We recommend the National Autistic Society as a guide for parents of autistic children and family members, partners and loved ones of an autistic adult. The National Autistic Society supplies valuable information and resources to support families and children following a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, including how to discuss the diagnosis with your child.
As a parent, you may explore the different bodies available to enable children to have a say in their development. Additional information is available on the Council for Disabled Children website. For parents and schools, further advice is available via the Autism Education Trust.
There are several organisations that provide information, advice, and guidance relating to ADHD:
Essex Local Offer provides the details of services and support for children with special educational needs and disabilities, including emotional wellbeing, entertainment and leisure, and preparing for adulthood.
There are several local and national organisations offering support to children, adults and families with ASD and additional needs:
SNAP is a voluntary organisation based in Brentwood offering support to parents and carers of children with any particular need or disability.
The Maze Group
The Maze Group in Ipswich is a support group that offers courses to help parents understand their child’s diagnosis and additional needs.
Young Minds
Young Minds is a UK charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, offering information for parents and carers.
MindEd offers online advice and support to help understand and support children through various issues and worries.
NHS Choices
SenseToys is a company that stocks sensory toys for calming, sensory input and curriculum-friendly sensory education resources.
Rompa is a leading sensory company offering sensory room design, installation, and sensory toys and resources.
NRS Healthcare is a supplier to the NHS, with a range of mobility equipment and disability aids.
The Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Foundation offers books, resources and courses designed to expand knowledge, foster awareness and promote recognition of Sensory Processing Disorder.
Fledglings is a non-profit shop that helps children and adults with special needs by supplying products and equipment that help with everyday challenges.